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Creating Greater Impact
Paragraph: The Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA) provides an environment to facilitate the training and up skilling of various employees and people involved in local government structures, as well as unemployed South Africans

Creating Greater Impact

The Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA) provides an environment to facilitate the training and up skilling of various employees and people involved in local government structures, as well as unemployed South Africans

Our Mandate

Entails creating and implementing a variety of skills development interventions such as, the Sector Skills Plan (SSP) and learning
programmes aimed at local government employees and others working within the sphere such as traditional leaders and ward

As a developing country, South Africa’s workforce plays a key role in service delivery hence, the importance of having a skilled
and capable workers cannot be overemphasised; not only does it improve the lives of South Africans, but it also assists local
government structures in meeting their constitutional mandate. 

Training Providers
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