SSP and Research Reports

Research Projects

The LGSETA has a number of research focus areas that have been identified relevant to the sector. These Include:

Sector Skills Planning
In terms of the Skills Development Act, a SETA is obliged to among other activities:
Research and develop a Sector Skills Plan
Receive and evaluate Workplace Skills Plans and Annual Training reports/ Implementation Reports from employers
Identify and develop strategic projects arising from skills needs within the sector, funded by discretionary grants
To register, train and support Skills Development Facilitators within the sector
​The activities listed above are the function of the Sector Skills Planning (SSP) department within the SETA. The purpose of the SSP is to ensure that the LGSETA has relevant, up-to-date information and analysis to allow it to perform its strategic skills planning function for the sector, and to maximise participation by employers in the National Skills Development Strategy through the efficient use of resources available for training within the sector. The Sector Skills Plan is an analysis of the labour market within the local government sector which gets compiled once every five years, and submitted to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), and is updated annually. The Sector Skills Plan provides the:  
Profile of the labour force within the sector by province, race, age, gender, qualification and occupational category!
It monitors the supply of, and demand for labour within the sector.It tracks the absorption of new labour market entrants into the sector.
It identifies areas of skills growth and skills need
It identifies opportunities and constraints on employment growth in the sector. The Sector Skills Plan forms the key strategic analysis guiding the implementation of training and skills development within the sector.